Our Vision: Collaborative Healing

Our over arching mission is to restore and elevate the horse human relationship. This guides all of our activities. From our educational programs to our community service offerings, we see the horse human partnership as a powerful conduit for healing. The Brego Foundation seeks to dispel they myth of the "unwanted horse" through educational programs, advocacy and partnerships. We believe that by providing new modalities to improve the relationship between horse and rider, and partnering with local equine health practitioners to educate the equestrian community about alternative healing methods for the rescued horse, we can enable a profound change in the way we view our equine companions.
Community Programs and Outreach
The volunteer staff at The Brego Foundation have worked with many populations over the years that significantly benefit and heal through our Equine Facilitated Learning programs. We have found that when the common denominators of healing and recovery exist in within a structured format, profound transformation can occur. To serve our community and stay congruent with our mission, The Brego Foundation offers programs to the following populations at little or no cost to the participants: